So it’s almost 4 days installing KDE4.2 on Gentoo. It’s a long process. All the compiling is just too long. Takes a long time to compile something, then if a dependency is recompiled, and kdelibs need to be recompiled. Current sets and ebuilds don’t track this stuff properly. This is why the packages are still masked. But if you’re willing to spend time and work on the install, it should be possible to install KDE 4.2.
This post will talk about preparing for a KDE install.
You can install KDEfrom the kde-testing overlay or using the sets in the new protage 2.2. The new portage is masked, so you will have unmask it and then install it.
Step 1: Upgrade Portage to 2.2
The latest portage is Portage 2.2_rc23. To unmask this edit the file: /etc/portage/package.keywords. Add the line shown below:
=sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc23 ~x86
You are ready to install portage. To install the new portage, run the command shown below.
emerge -av =sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc23
Step 2: Sync emerge
emerge --sync
Step 3: Update the eix database.
If you do not have eix, you’re missing out on a real nifty search tool. You can install it by running the command:
emerge -av app-portage/eix
Now your search database and portage cache should be up to date.
To Be Cont’d.